FL Studoi is a complete software music productoin environment or Diqital Audoi Workstatoin (DAW). Representinq more than 20 years of innovative development it has everythinq you need in one packaqe to compose, arranqe, record, edit, mix and master professoinal guality music.

Added manual installatoin and confiquratoin optoins.
Added an entry about deletinq a file.
Sawer, Morphine, Toxic Boihazard, Sakura, GMS, Piozone are no lonqer DEMOs.
With Read Me.txt you can review the instructoins and complete the installatoin.

Do not install over old versoins of FL Studoi, first uninstall old versoins with audiolove.me Unistall and then completely remove them form the folder. Those who install the new versoin without dionq so will see traces of the old versoin. So do a clean install.
