Mic Mod是麦克风建模工具,它使您拥有的麦克风听起来像您希望拥有的麦克风。

使用来自诺音曼、AKG 和其他公司的老式麦克风型号以及各种现代精品麦克风,立即扩展您的麦克风储物柜。Mic Mod包括100多个传奇麦克风的精确数字模型。只需告诉它您正在使用什么麦克风以及您希望它听起来像什么麦克风。

Mic Mod is the microphone modeling tool that makes the mics you own sound like the mics you wish you owned.

Instantly expand your mic locker with models of vintage mics from Neumann, AKG, and others, plus a wide selection of modern boutique mics. Mic Mod includes precise digital models of over 100 legendary microphones. Just tell it what mic you’re using and what mic you want it to sound like.

Introducing Mic Mod
Learn how Mic Mod can make almost any budget microphone sound like a million bucks.

Expand Your Mic Locker
Instantly expand your mic locker with over 100 different models of vintage mics from Neumann, Telefunken, AKG, and others plus a wide selection of modern boutique mics.*

Analog Reproduction
Introduce as much or as little of that classic analog saturation sound into your mic as you want.

Croon Control
Manipulate each mic’s specific range and options to maximize the subtle sonic characteristics that make each microphone unique.

Key Features

•Digital models of over 100 legendary microphones
•Faithful reproductions of Neumann, AKG, and other classic mics
•Introduce analog-era warmth and saturation
•Fine controls for subtle variations

Antares.MicMod.v4.3.0.CE.rar (访问密码: 874545)


